20 Mar 2011


(illustration of Alice in the Wonderland, courtesy of Wikipedia)

This is one of my favourite books. As I child I clearly remember the moment I discovered books could mean a whole new world for me. I can even say that my first moment of autonomy and independence was when I realized that learning to read would allow me a freedom that my "real" life didn't.  It was not when I learned to eat by myself or to dress. It was when I realized I could find a meaning in those letters and that I would have so many travels ahead. Tarzan, cowboys, pirates.... Wonderful and strange worlds were opening up for me.
That was in the time of paper books, which appear to be a species approaching extinction (the fact is that I read quite a lot in my iPad). How will children learn that space for autonomy and freedom? Maybe learning how to use computers and have access to images and also reading. Times are changin', as Bob Dylan sang.

13 Mar 2011


Still about happiness, have a look at this wonderful Td Talk. Daniel Kahneman is a famous psychologist and Nobel laureate in Economics.
(satisfaction and happiness are different things)



From an article by Morgam Housel in The Motley Fool (www.fool.com):

"Money isn't the key to happiness. What really gives people meaning and happiness is a combination of four things: Control over what they're doing, progress in what they're pursuing, being connected with others, and being part of something they enjoy that's bigger than themselves".

Wonderfully put. Food for thought, isn'it?

8 Mar 2011


Jenny Bowden: our attitude has an effect on our cells. Have a look at:



Bigthink is a most remarkable journal/site (we never know what to call them these days). The articles are about various subbjects going from neurosciences to economy or psychology. The contributors are very very good. Do yourself a favour and subscribe to it.
You'll find it at:


The link above goes directly to an article about the common assumption that when we've known or been with someone for long we can guess each other's thoughts. It seems it's not quite like that.
Quoting, "Researchers tracked how people in couples read between the lines when listening to their partners, and compared that to how well they understood total strangers. Results: No difference.(...)
To communicate with a stranger, they [the authors] argue, we have to imagine the mind of the other person, and understand how things look in another's eyes. But with people close to us, we "let down our guard": We hope, or expect, or assume (or maybe feel entitled to believe, after all we've done over the years) that the other sees things exactly as we do."
Does it ring a bell?

It's a testimony to our profound similarity, and the power of language, that any one of us can, with a little effort, make herself understood to any other of us on planet Earth. We just have to accept that that kind of mind-reading is a human universal, so love has nothing to do with it.

5 Mar 2011


Houses have sometimes eyes on you

(photo taken in the Czech Republic)

1 Mar 2011


Even in the middle of the city and surrounded by ugly buildings, a sunset is always a sunset.


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